Ravi Jain's Article in Business

435 Time Management: A Requirement for both Parents and Children
Every time parents think they have got their time well planned, the kids manage to throw a spanner in between and upset all their carefully made plans. Sometime it becomes very difficult for the working moms specially to manage their office and their kids simultaneously.
Posted on Feb-07-2012

446 Preparation before Sending your Child to the Boarding School
A few days ago we all were at the airport. Every one of our family members who were present there had tears in their eyes. The reason was that my little niece Dustu was going to study in a good school in South India. Dustu was a ten year old little girl, who is the naughtiest member in our family.
Posted on Feb-07-2012

466 Encouraging shy children at Birthday Parties
Whatever time of year, there are always birthdays to be celebrated. Kids love birthday parties and sharing their birthday celebrations with friends and family. Children love and these birthday parties in turn are getting more extravagant, more expensive.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

461 Children’s Response to Parenting Styles
5 year old Karen was the twin sister of 5 year old Katrina. After their mother died, their maternal decided to bring one of the girls up. Karena was adopted by Aunt Malory, while Katrina stayed with her father. Katrina didn’t get to see much of her father.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

420 Teaching Children the Need of Cleanliness
“You know something? he doesn’t take a bath regularly. Eeewww! His shirt is so dirty. Oh my God! Let’s keep a distance from him or else we will get an infection”.
Posted on Feb-04-2012

517 Children and Cell Phone: Some Issues to Consider
The 21st Century is the time of advanced technology. The modern day technical devices are so easy to use that even a 4 year old child can operate a cell phone or a video game. These devices are catchy enough to grasp anyone’s attention easily.
Posted on Feb-03-2012

400 The Role of Laptops in School Education
The moment we think of a laptop, we consider it mostly for the adults, and that too an office goer. We hardly bring kids into that picture.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

499 How Beneficial Boarding School Education is
Boarding school is one of the terms that kids fear of because they think that if they get admitted in any boarding school, then they will not be able to stay with their parents.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

438 Should Parents give Pocket Money to their Kids?
Sad but true, these days money has become the most precious thing for human being. There is nothing that can give so much of happiness to them as money gives. Nothing can be more precious than money and everything can be bought with money.
Posted on Feb-01-2012

449 Personal Milestone Guarantees Better Future
Many people feel as if they're the most unlucky person in this world. They work hard, but they don't get any opportunities as their worth. The main reason behind this that they haven't spent enough time in thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set any milestone for them.
Posted on Feb-01-2012

573 How to choose English medium play schools
Out of the many of the hassles of life, one of the stages of life when parents get worried for their kids is the stage of admission of their tiny tots.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

521 Self-discipline and Responsibility: The Two Important Pillars in Life
No democracy can survive without a self-disciplined population. Preserving our democratic way of life requires that we teach our youngsters the true meaning of patriotism: “There is no freedom without responsibility”.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

454 Compassion and Forgiveness: The Pillars of Moral Development
During the spring season the entire forest in Florida looks like the Eden garden. In the summer, different plants and trees blossom with such beauty. It was few years ago when a beautiful red rose blossomed in Florida.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

503 Developmental tools for the Little Learners
Creativity is such a skill that we require in every step of our life. Whether it’s about dealing with a particular situation or presenting yourself before others, every particular work does need creativity. When we were kids, we used to imagine different shapes and forms in the clouds.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

463 Put a Full Stop to your Kid’s School Bunking Habit
Bunking school means the kid is not serious about education. It means the kid is more into entertainment than the books. It makes them lazy. Apart from knowing all the things, at some point of time all of us have bunked school.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

434 The Role of parents in dealing with Peer Pressure and Bad Company
Raju was introduced to smoking at the age of 7 when one of his friends told him to just try it out for fun, because he would forget all the problems that he had at home. Raju knew it was bad to smoke but the offer seemed tempting and Raju began with a small puff, but he forgot about his small slum house.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

373 The Perfect Time to Start Childrens Education
There are many parenting magazines which say the best time to start kids’ education is right from infancy.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

390 How to Save your Child from the Evil of Lying
Once upon a time there was a greedy man in a town. The man was very rich, but at the same time a miser. The man liked everything to be his own. One day he lost thirty gold coins while returning from the market.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

379 Environmental Consciousness among Kids: The Need of the Hour
Once there was a planet that was very sad. The planet was well equipped with all modern equipments and spaceships one could ever imagine. The people of the plant were so busy in doing research and inventing new technical devices that they had contaminated the whole countryside.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

393 The Benefit of Audio-Visual Education for Kids
Audio-visual education teaches the senses of sight and hearing to support the learning process.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

391 School Children’s visit to the Planetarium
Children huddle into their seats in a dark room. Some of them use their cell phone backlights to look for their seat numbers. The teacher in charge tells the children not to disturb the others and to settle down into their seats as fast as possible.
Posted on Jan-21-2012

366 Knowing Only One Language Doesn’t Help kids anymore
Language is a medium with the help of which people express their thoughts, opinions and views to others.
Posted on Jan-21-2012

390 The Mounting Fee in Modern day Pre schools
It’s a big relief to most parents when they manage to get their child a seat in a good nursery school. After all, it came at a price !
Posted on Jan-20-2012

416 Empty classrooms in Rural India
Education Minister Kapil Sibal very recently announced the development of a laptop by Indian technologists for the Indian students priced at a low of Rs. 1500/-.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

444 Preparing a Child Well for School Interviews
Irrespective of their class, religion or social status, it is an exciting period for every parent just before their children start their journey of academic career.
Posted on Jan-18-2012